Current Crisis
The Rwandan Genocide
The 1994 Rwandan Genocide is considered a tragic humanitarian crisis. In only 100 days nearly 1 million people were brutally slaughtered.
Rwanda has made tremendous efforts to overcome their past, yet with one of the world’s highest concentrations of orphans and child-lead households, the effects of 1994 still linger in a form of systemic poverty.
Poverty, lack of education, and poor economic opportunities leave vulnerable Rwandan children at risk for exploitation, abuse, and a continued generational cycle of despair.

Over 42,000 households in Rwanda are currently headed by children under 18.
without education
62% of Rwandan children have never been to school or have not completed primary school.
Without Food
40% of Rwandan children under five years old are chronically malnourished.
Our Response

Our in-country staff is intimately connected with the surrounding community, intentionally looking for children from at-risk homes suffering from abuse and neglect.

By concentrating on holistic education we can transform lives, create opportunity, and bring hope and empowerment for Rwanda’s most vulnerable children.

Meet Felicia, Mike, and Solange! Read their stories to see how Acts4Rwanda has impacted their life, family, and community during their time in our program.